FAQ Frequently Asked Questions.


(Shrub Rose)

Q. What is meant by the term “Shrub Rose”

A. SHRUB ROSES are often defined as roses that do not fit into any of the other classifications of rose types such as Hybrid Teas Floribundas etc. They are a “mixed bag” of roses that differ greatly in size and colour. Shrub roses tend to be hardier than other rose types and can be grown as specimens in the garden, in groups, or many make ideal flowering hedges. Most shrub roses are scented, fairly disease resistant and require very little maintenance. They are a mixture of wild species, old garden roses from around the world and hybrids developed in recent years.
(Albas) Very old roses which are summer flowering, mostly scented and disease resistant. Example Alba Semi Plena.
(Bourbons) Emerged in the mid-nineteenth century and were very popular in Victorian times. Very diverse in habit and colour. Repeat flowering. Example. La Reine Victoria.
(Centifolias) Centuries old “roses of the hundred petals” They produce large scented flowers of exquisite shape. Example. Fantin Latour
(Chinas) First appeared in the mid-eighteenth century. Long flowering season, healthy shiny foliage and usually very liable. Example. Gruss An Aachen.
(Damasks) Some of this group date back to roman times. Very healthy, distinct Damask perfume and very beautiful. Example. Madame Hardy.
(Portlands) Some of the finest and useful of old roses. Many are not very big and can be grown in pots or containers. Continuous flowering or repeat flowering. Ideal for bedding or hedges . Example. Rose de Rescht.
(Gallicas) Some of the oldest cultivated roses are in this group. A compact scented rose in various colours from purple-maroon to pink. Example. Charles de Mills.
(Hybrid Perpetuals) The most popular group of roses in Victorian Times. Very diverse in flowering habit and size. Most repeat flower in autumn. Examples. . Ferdinand Pichard. Hugh Dickson.    (Modern Shrub Roses) Many families of roses have contributed to the modern rose varieties. Hybrid Teas, Floribundas etc. Examples. Blue Moon. Champagne Moment.
(Moss Roses) An unusual but attractive group with mossed buds and stems. They vary in height and colour and are mostly scented. Example. William Lobb.
(Hybrid Musks) A useful group that evolved in the early 20th century. Healthy and free flowering and the blooms are produced in large clusters. Scented. Ideal for hedging, specimen or group planting. Example. Buff Beauty.
(Rugosas) See Rugosa pages on main menu.
(Noisettes) A very beautiful range of climbers which are highly scented and free flowering. Example. Blush Noisette.
(Species Roses) The original dog roses which have grown in the wild for thousands of years. Example. Rosa Rubrifolia.
(English Roses) David Austin. A modern shrub rose which has retained the old fashioned look plus a repeat flowering habit. A very beautiful range and most of the range are highly perfumed.

For further details please SHRUB ROSES on  our web site.

Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)


FAQ Frequently Asked Questions.


Rose Of The Year 2013

Q. Who decides which rose is named “Rose Of The Year”

A.  Rose Of The Year® was introduced in 1982 and its aim is to discover by trials the best rose(s) in any given year.

Rose breeders are invited, through Roses UK, to enter what they consider to be the best of their up and coming varieties in to the Rose of the Year competition; generally up to 20 varieties are submitted annually.
Trials are conducted throughout the UK from as far north as Aberdeen, to Hampshire in the South, Northern Ireland and East Anglia with the varieties trialled in different soil and climate conditions.
The trial lasts for a two year period and is judged by both amateurs and professional with the most worthy variety being
selected as Rose Of The Year®. Selection is some 6 years in advance of its availability to allow for the building up of sufficient stock levels for its introduction to the public.

The latest half dozen are Rose Of The Year 2013 “You’re Beautiful”   2012 “Moment In Time”
2011 “Joie De Vivre”  2010 “Absolutely Fabulous”   2009 “Lucky”
For more details please see  ROSE OF THE YEAR page on our web site.

Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)


FAQ Frequently Asked Questions.


Repeat Flowering Rambler.

Q. What is the difference between a Climbing rose and a Rambling rose.

A.      In the past the answer was quite simple.  Most ramblers only flower once during the summer, mainly in the spring or early summer.   Most climbers repeat flower through the summer.
However over the last few years quite a few ramblers have been bred that repeat flower through the season.  Take a look at our Rambling Rose section on the web site which lists quite a few repeat flowering ramblers.   A few that come to mind are BLUSHING LUCY.  MALVERN HILLS. PHYLISS BIDE. And SUPER FAIRY.  For further information please see the ROSE CARE page on our web site.


 Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)




Mumbai, Jan. 18:

A warmer winter this year has turned out to be a thorn in the flesh for rose growing farmers.

In Pune and across Bangalore, the winter temperature has increased by 4 degree Celsius. Both these centres are major areas for rose cultivation. The higher than normal temperature has resulted in an earlier bloom of roses.

This, in turn, has advanced the arrival of the roses in the market. Planters project that at least 25 per cent of the blooms are set to arrive in the market much ahead of Valentine’s Day this year.

The ongoing concern of floriculturists is that the sharp rise in temperature could lead to damage and consequent rejection of export consignments. In the domestic market, most planters are expecting a glut that would result in prices plunging.

Roses fetch the maximum value during the week preceding Valentine’s Day, with prices rising as high as Rs 10 a stem in the wholesale market compared with Rs 2-4 on an average day. For the fiscal 2011-12, India exported about Rs 320 crore worth of flowers, half of which were roses. Usually, roses take around 45-50 days to grow. Farmers generally begin pruning the rose bushes by the first week of December. This tends to yield a good crop by January 26.

Between January 26 and February 14, roses are stored in cold rooms, and then shipped to Amsterdam ready for the auctions, to be finally shipped across the retail markets in Europe.

This year, farmers’ fear that the buds are bound to be ready to harvest by January 21, five days ahead of schedule.

“These roses would not be accepted by exporters, because they would be too early for dispatch to Europe for Valentine’s Day buyers. Farmers would be forced to sell it in the domestic market, putting pressure on prices,” said Milind Manerikar, Chief Executive Officer of Sankalp Farms, a major rose grower near Pune.

He said that if the rose buds do get exported, they are bound to suffer damage due to the early blooming. This, Manerikar says, could result in disputes between the buyers and the sellers.

Bangalore-based rose farmer Shreekant Shivappa said that such temperature rises prove to be a double whammy for farmers. “On the one hand, prices of all agriculture inputs are increasing and on the other, the farmers’ margins are shrinking. Rose farming is increasing becoming an unviable business,” he said.

Agriculture expert Jagadeesh Sunkad said that such unusual weather is a result of climate change. “Not just roses, even other cash crops such as rubber and tea are bound to be affected given the undue stress. It is time we send an SOS to the government,” he said.

Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)


New Roses For 2013

ROSA BELMONTE 2010 gold standard


2007  2ft-3ft

A very beautiful rose with a romantic story behind it.

It was named in honour of Her Excellency Donna Francesca Elbrick di Belmonte, to mark the occasion of her marriage to Tristan Elbrick as a sign of her husband’s love.   ‘Belmonte’ is part of Francesca’s maiden name, after a village in Calabria, southern Italy.     (Who said romance was dead)

The rose was introduced at  Chelsea Flower Show, by  television gardener Alan Titchmarsh MBE DL

At the request of the Donna Francesca, proceeds from the sale of Rosa Belmonte are donated to support the work of the charity The Prince’s Trust.)

This beautiful rose produces masses of pale pearl pink blooms in trusses throughout the season, with the bonus of a fruity fragrance with citrus undertones.

It is a bedding rose par excellence which is easy to look after and has great disease resistant.

A lovely rose for cutting.

Highly recommended.



ROSA BELMONTE   (Harpearl)

Since 2006 a few roses are selected each year for this prestigious award.   Based on cumulative information from invited independent judges, the Gold Standard is awarded to worthy varieties. 

Health,  floriferousness,  scent and commercial appeal are all considered key factors in the final choice.

Bred by Harkness Roses. UK

For further information  please see  Gold Standard Roses on the Main Menu.


Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)





FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions.



Q, I would like to fill my garden with highly perfumed roses.  Which varieties do you recommend.

A. The choice of highly perfumed roses is immense.  Unfortunately it is one of the areas that cause the most arguments.  What one person describes as highly perfumed, another person will disagree and describe the perfume as mild.    Roses have one of the most complex, widely ranging perfumes of all flowers. The weather conditions on the day before the rose opens, the age of the flower, the season and even the time of day all influence the fragrance of an individual bloom.
On our web site we have listed all the roses which we stock and are generally described as highly perfumed.  See Highly Perfumed Roses on the main menu.
The varieties we can recommend are as follows.


Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)


FAQ Frequently Asked Questions.


Thornless Rose

Q. Can you tell me which roses are thornless ?

A. There are very few thornless roses.  Two varieties that are thornless are the David Austin Shrub Rose KEW GARDEN and the climber ZEPHERINE DROUHIN.  There are quite a lot of almost thornless roses available. Please see the “What Rose Where” section on our web site.


Patio Climber

Q. Can I grow a climbing rose in a pot.

A. Most climbing roses will grow too big and tall for a pot .  However there are quite a few small modern climbers that can be grown successfully in a large pot.   They are sold now under the title of Patio Climbers or Courtyard Climbers and bred to survive in a pot or container.  Please browse our web site under PATIO CLIMBERS and you will find numerous varieties which will fit the bill.

Details of all our roses are available on our web site.
Over 1000 varieties to choose from.
(click below)
